
The Canada Disability Benefit Act: A Status Update

In June of this year, the Canada Disability Benefit Act (the “Act”) received Royal Assent. The Canada Disability Benefit (“the Benefit”) is intended to reduce poverty among working-age Canadians with disabilities. The…

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ODSP: Rates & Updates

Rate Increases In July of 2023, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefit rates increased by 6.5%, based on a cost of living formula determined by the Ontario Government. The increase applies to: basic…

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Estate Planning: New & Noteworthy

Siblings may now manage an RDSP for a beneficiary who is not capable of being their own plan holder The federal government has extended a measure allowing qualifying family members to open…

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Ontario to Implement New Job Posting Obligations

On November 6, 2023, the Ministry of Labour announced plans for new laws requiring employers to disclose certain types of information in job postings. Specifically, proposed laws will require employers to state…

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CRA Clarifies New Tax Rules

Halloween frights came early this year for employment lawyers and their clients when a nationally syndicated lawyer claimed new tax rules required them to disclose the contents of settlement agreements. This spurred…

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Reflecting on Reconciliation

  National Truth and Reconciliation Week in Canada is a significant reflection period on Canadian history and its relationship with Indigenous peoples. It is a time to acknowledge the painful legacy of…

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