Working for Workers Five Act Receives Royal Assent

On October 28, 2024, the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 received royal assent in provincial parliament. This legislation, the fifth in a series of annual Working for Workers acts, made a number of changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000, (the “ESA”) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “OHSA”).

 Changes to the ESA

      • For all job postings, employers must disclose whether the posted position is currently vacant and respond to all applicants that interview for the position.
      • The maximum amount an employer can be fined for violating the ESA has increased from $50,000 to $100,000.
      • Employers cannot require an employee provide a sick note when accessing their ESA entitlement to three days of unpaid sick leave but may request other forms of evidence that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Changes to the OHSA 

      • Virtual harassment is now included in the definition for workplace harassment and workplace sexual harassment . 
      • The OHSA applies to workers performing remote “telework” in or about a private residence.  
      • Joint health and safety committee meetings may be held virtually. 
      • OHSA information may now be posted electronically so long as it is readily accessible and workers are informed on how to access it.

PooranLaw will continue to update you with any developments on this story and the implications they may have on your workplace operations as they emerge. If you require legal assistance, we encourage you to reach out to your regular PooranLaw lawyer, or any member of our team.

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