Ontario Increases the Minimum Wage

The Provincial government recently announced that the general minimum wage in Ontario will increase from $14.00 to $14.25 an hour. This increase will apply to most minimum wage earners across the province. The minimum wage rates for the following employees will also increase:

  • students: from $13.15 to $13.40 an hour
  • homeworkers (workers who do paid work out of their homes): from $15.40 to $15.70 an hour
  • liquor servers: from $12.20 to $12.45 an hour
  • wilderness guides: depending on the number of hours worked.

For agencies and families employing support workers, note this may have particular implications for employees who receive a flat rate for overnight shifts, residential care workers (live-in workers), in-home respite arrangements and other unique care arrangements supporting people with disabilities.

Be sure to review your compensation practices in light of the upcoming increases to ensure compliance.

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