COVID-19: Provincial Restrictions Update & Path to Reopening Ontario

Ontario has released its plan to move towards Step 2 of its Reopening Plan effective June 30, 2021.

On June 23, 2021, O. Reg. 488/21: RULES FOR AREAS IN STAGE 2 was filed, outlining the full list of activities that will be permitted to resume on June 30, 2021. Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopening plan will focus on the lifting of restrictions on outdoor activities, limited indoor activities, and other restrictions including (but not limited to):

  • Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people;
  • Indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 5 people;
  • Essential and other select retail permitted at 50 per cent capacity;
  • Personal care services where face coverings can be worn at all times, and at 25 per cent capacity and other restrictions;
  • Outdoor dining with up to 6 people per table, with exceptions for larger households and other restrictions;
  • Indoor religious services, rites, or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services permitted at up to 25 per cent capacity of the particular room;
  • Outdoor fitness classes limited to the number of people who can maintain 3 metres of physical distance;
  • Outdoor sports without contact or modified to avoid contact, with no specified limit on number of people or teams participating, with restrictions;
  • Overnight camps for children operating in a manner consistent with the safety guidelines produced by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health;
  • Outdoor sport facilities with spectators permitted at 25 per cent capacity;
  • Outdoor concert venues, theatres and cinemas, with spectators permitted at 25 per cent capacity;

Looking Forward

The Province has highlighted the fact that while the current vaccination targets for Step Three have been surpassed, Ontario may remain in Step Two for a period of approximately 21 days to allow the most recent vaccinations to reach their full effectiveness and continue monitoring the COVID-19 health emergency. When it is determined to be safe, the province will promptly move to Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen.

PooranLaw will continue to monitor legal developments related to provincial restrictions and the path to reopening Ontario. In the meantime, if you require legal assistance in determining how these new rules apply to you or your organization, we encourage you to reach out to your regular PooranLaw lawyer, or any member of our team.

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