📢 November is Make a Will Month 📢

A decorative photo with the PooranLaw logo and a picture of a contract representing 'Make A Will Month'

Make a Will Month is an opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of creating a Will. This is an important step you can take to protect your loved ones and ensure your wishes are honored after you pass away. Here’s why a Will matters:

  • Ensures your affairs are handled according to your wishes
  • Lets you name who manages your estate and who inherits your assets
  • Helps minimize family disputes and reduces costs in managing your estate
  • Protects arrangements for family members with disabilities

Take time this month to plan for the future. Reach out to us to get started on your estate plan!

Click here to learn more about what’s in a Will!

#MakeAWillMonth #EstatePlanning #PooranLaw

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